The History of Reflexology

The origins of Reflexology evidently reach back to ancient Egypt as evidenced by inscriptions found in the physician's tomb at Saqqara in Egypt. The translation of the hieroglyphics are as follows: "Don't hurt me." The practitioner's reply: "I shall act so you praise me."
We cannot determine the exact relationship between the ancient art as practiced by the early Egyptians and Reflexology as we know it today. Different forms of working the feet to effect health have been used all over the ancient world.
- read moreThe Ingham Method of Reflexology

Eunice D. Ingham, a Physical Therapist, worked closely with Dr. Riley and was fascinated by the concept of Zone Therapy and started developing her foot reflex theory in the early 1930's. She had the opportunity to treat hundreds of patients where each reflex point of contact had been carefully and thoughtfully checked and rechecked until with all confidence she was able to determine that the reflexes on the feet were an exact mirror image of the organs of the body. Dr. Riley encouraged her to write her first book entitled "Stories The Feet Can Tell" where she documented her cases and carefully mapped out the reflexes on the feet as we know them today.
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